
Database and custom software development for Indian manufacturer

  • Software Development

A large Indian manufacturer and distributor needed to provide real-time information on inventory and pricing to his marketing managers in order to facilitate inventory management, speed up market response and sales. The firm also needed to custom tailor pricing packages, while releasing its unproductive manpower assigned to manual sales and order processing.

In this case Prescio developed a software package that allows extraction of real time inventory data from the client’s Unix based Oracle system to the user’s PC or Laptop. This data is accessed through an MS Excel spreadsheet for review by the salesperson through the software. The software allows the user to check sales data such as price, available stock and location, sales to date, etc. The software includes a sales scheme formulation wizard that allows the sales representative to compare product pricing schemes and their relative profitability.

The software permits the sales representative to use or modify the preexisting sales schemes, or formulate entirely new sales schemes. The software then prints each sales scheme and stores them for future transmission to the client’s sales points. The software will also formulate, store, and update necessary records of each sales scheme on the client’s server and make them available for interaction to the client company’s MIS department.